Have a question or concern? Please contact us, we'd love to hear from you and would be happy to respond.
Nepenthe - (831)667-2345 * Café Kevah - (831) 667-2344 * pHOENIX sHOP - (831) 667-2347
Manager, Nepenthe and Café Kevah
Jose Ponce - jponce@nepenthebigsur.com - (831) 667-7322
Executive Chef, Nepenthe and Café Kevah
Tim Tavolara - ttavolar@nepenthebigsur.com - (831) 667-2345 Ext #372
Manager, Phoenix Shop
Jaime Reed - jreed@nepenthebigsur.com - (831) 667-7351
Human Resources
Kendra Morgenrath - kmorgenrath@nepenthebigsur.com - (831) 667-7324
Accounting / Accounts Payable
Patricia Ponce Vargas - pponcevargas@nepenthebigsur.com - (831) 667-2345
Phoenix Shop Buyers
Gifts, Textiles, Personal Care, Books, Toys, Stationery and Specialty Foods - Sarah Loveland - sloveland@nepenthebigsur.com
Boutique, Ceramics, and Logo - Tina Snow - tsnow@nepenthebigsur.com
Jewelry - Bob Trezise - btrezise@nepenthebigsur.com
U.S. Mail
Nepenthe Restaurant
48510 Highway One
Big Sur, California 93920