Written by Caitlin Reclusado
The Phoenix Shop has always been a home for color, beauty, and design from all around the world, and Kaffe Fassett is no stranger to any of these elements. His bolts of fabrics and lengths of ribbons grace our shelves, dripping with their vibrant hues, exploding with layers of feathers, flowers, and geometric shapes. Downstairs in our boutique, you can find his one-of-a-kind creations: intricate knitted sweaters with complex patterns and hats layered with a multitude of exotic buttons. Not to mention our shelves that are heavy with his collection of books on quilting. A master of his craft and a huge advocate for the creative spirit that lives in all of us, Kaffe Fassett is more than just part of our rich history. He is a passionate, multi-talented man that continually brings creativity and color to our shop.
A child of Lolly, one of the founders of Nepenthe, Kaffe was raised in an artistic environment. Nepenthe was always full of imaginative people, and the famous red terrace was like their stage. They used to dress up, paint their bodies with poster paint and express themselves through play and dance and wild costumes. As a child, he remembers watching his mother manifest her vision for Nepenthe, bringing together creatives, builders, and workman to make the incredible structure that is still standing so many decades later. He feels that watching her daring, seeing her believe in her vision, had a lot to do with how his life unfolded the way it did. It helped give him the courage to do what he really wanted to do.
He didn't start out in the world of textiles. In the beginning, he focused mostly on painting. He was always interested in the decorative arts of the world but felt ashamed to explore it. At the time, he was surrounded by people who felt that crafts didn't qualify as art. That you had to have a serious message to be considered a serious artist. It left him twisted in knots, and feeling lost, he would often wander around drawing what he saw. It was hard for him to stay motivated with his painting, but he felt that that was the path he had to take to be considered an artist. Then on one return trip home, he connected with a professional painter who was living in Big Sur. It was a conversation that changed his world view. She told him that he should absolutely follow what he loves. She told him to just have a good time, and that each time he sat down to create, all he had to do was just try to make it better than the last time. This message changed everything for him. It opened to the door to what brought him joy. Instead of feeling like he had to suffer for his art, he began to follow his heart and embrace his passions.

His advice to other creatives echoes what he was told so many years ago: Do what you love to do. Try to find out what you love, and then heighten it, make it better than the last time. And don't be afraid to exaggerate, to take a mood and drive it to the extreme. It can be hard, very hard, but don't be afraid to be a bit of a showoff. Keeping your expression inward doesn't give anyone else a chance to get it.
Don't be afraid to step up, speak up and take the stage.
For more of Kaffe’s beautiful art, please click here.
Stop by The Phoenix Shop to see our many offerings by Kaffe Fassett!
To learn more about Kaffe, you can also visit his website, http://www.kaffefassett.com/